Future Topics


More NM related subjects. All overall changes in healthcare.

Waffle recipes in Bermuda.

Stress in school kids. Anxiety symptoms and how to help our kids and families

Geriatrics and hospice, Curanderas, natural healing, social security/health benefits.

We visited a hotel in Taos called Monte Sagrado. It is a very beautiful facility with nice rooms. Maybe the planning committee could inquire about that location for future retreats.

we need a course next year to address the board of oral health requirement for opiod prescribed use and pitfalls

When I became a CHW I was grandfathered in. I would like more training on the Core Competencies, maybe a webinar that is available twice a month on different days, so that everyone can attend.

Please bring back the RN who presented on the medical benefits of cannabis. This was extremely helpful to me personally. Also would like to hear more oral surgery materials such as Dr. Candelaria. Would like to have my staff attend more surgery lectures. Also, this retreat needs to be more widely distributed among FQHC such as this one. Our medical staff had no clue and would have liked to attend in the future.



I would love to have more CHW specific topics.

Dental Restorative courses for the new dental EFDA license holders.

Future topics: How public health and the medical community can work more closely together to improve patient outcomes (the “community-clinical linkage”)

Location: this is a great location – keep it here!

Maybe a session on asthma would be helpful.

substance abuse in our State

I would love to go to a seminars about health care and helping clients with mental illness to obtain integrated healthcare and various modalities that are helpful such as mindfulness and anxiety , yoga ,acupuncture , DBT and EMDR therapies, TBI and PTSD . I am also interested in how the issue of child abuse can be addressed within the state not jut legally but culturally to help the future of all children .

Health Literacy
Health in All Policies

Pain control, add again please.
Oral surgery for GP
Pediatric preventive and operative care

3rd molar extractions. How to help patients that cannot afford the specialists they need.

Somewhere other than Sagebrush

Behavioral health led primary care

Educational tracks that will benefit CHW’s, nothing too clinical.

Self Care for Community workers, Case Management, Nutrition-menu planning for people with health issues such as Diabetes, Hypertension, Cancer, Dialysis etc. Sites, mountain wooded areas, streams, places where there is serenity, peace and quiet.

Narcotic course to meet licensure requirements.

Consider relocating to another facility for lodging. The Sagebrush inn does a great job of hosting and space is adequate but the lodging needs updating and a heavy cleaning! I was disappointed this year with customer service responses and cleanliness of my room

Heart Health, Diabetes-wound care.

Taos and anywhere with nice scenic views.

I would like to see more CHR/CHW topics

I would love to attend again! I like the integration of dental and medical together

Taos is great. One hour on infection control to cover requirement for licensure would be great and maybe some on pain management to help with that requirement too would be helpful. Thanks

Poverty and food insecurity in New Mexico.

Santa Fe Convention Center

Would be nice to have more clinical topics

Diabetic management
medicinal marijuana

Medical emergencies in the dental office
More oral cancer info
Dental Materials update

Cancer topics

Cancer and Diabetes Topic