Was the overall objective of enhancing the skills and knowledge of healthcare providers on the various administrative, medical, community health worker and dental topics met?
Yes: 20
No: 0
How effective was our faculty?
Average: 4
Please indicate your overall satisfaction with the Retreat.
Average: 3.95
This program delivered balanced and objective, evidence-based content.
Average: 3.9
Did the Retreat meet your personal objectives?
Average: 3.95
How much will what you have learned here affect your practice?
Average: 3.45
The time frame in which the course was presented was appropriate?
Average: 3.45
[193 show=”field_label”]
Yes: 3
No: 81
Did you feel there was any commercial bias in the educational presentations of this Retreat?
Yes: 1
No: 19
Did you think the Retreat fee was commensurate with the educational value of the Retreat?
Yes: 18
No: 0